Hong Kong Recomended Reading
English is not spoken as well as you might think (they will understand you in the touristy areas though!). Numbers are important since they are very handy when bargaining in the markets. You might have a higher chance of getting a lower price if you speak their language. Also remember, the Hong Kong population speaks CANTONESE and not MANDARIN which is spoken mostly in the mainland of China.
Numbers in Cantonese
Money is 'Maan' or Marn. Therefore, $1 is 'Yutt Marn'.
1 - "Yutt" (like 'putt' a golf ball)
2 - "e" or "yee" (long E sound)
3 - "Saam" or "sam" (put an 'r' sound like 'sarm)
4 - "Say" (say no more)
5 - "Um" or "Mm" (very difficult sound- put your lips together and hum - 'mmm'- that tastes great!)
6 - "Lok" ('lock' your doors)
7 - "Chaat" or "Chet" (more like 'chutt'- putt the ball again)
8 - "Paat" or "Baat" (t is a cross between the t and a d)
9 - "Caw" or "Gow" (like cow but with a 'g')
10 - "Sup" or "Sat" (as in you are late for 'supper')
For higher numbers like 21 it would be 2-10-1 so - "ee"-"sup"-"yut"
45 would be 4-10-5 so - "say" - "sup" - "mm"
When you reach the hundreds they use "baat mun", so $100 is "ee" "baat marn"
$400 is "say" "baat marn"
Other useful phrases
Hello- 'Lay Ho' literally meaning 'you good'
Good Morning- 'Joe Sarn'
Bill or check please- 'Mai Darn'
How much ($) is it?- 'Gay door Chin'?
Tasty- Ho May
1 comment:
How interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I found a great post on the new Peterman's Eye Travel and I thought I'd share...
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